Domes of Russian Orthodox Churches
A. S. Griboyedov, Poet, Writer and Diplomat

Metro Station “Park Pobedy”, Moscow



165-я станция Московского метрополитена (the 165th metro station in Moscow) “Парк Победы” (Park Pobedy) got its name from the nearby park. As most metro stations in Moscow, it is a beautiful station with red and white marble walls and grey and black granite floors.



The construction of the station started in 1987, but work had to be stopped few years later for lack of financial. However work was resumed in 2000 and the station was inaugurated in 2003. It was not only the financial problems that delayed work, but in this area, the soil is crossed by dozens of small underground rivers, and the tunnel had to be dug really deep under them.



Now the station “Park Pobedy” самая глубокая в Москве (is the deepest station in Moscow) and the third deepest in the world. The platforms are located 84 metres underground with a maximum of 97 metres, and it takes no less than three minutes to reach them from the street with the longest эскалатор (escalator) in Europe (126 metres or, if one day the system fails, 740 steps). About 50,000 people descend to the station's platforms every day.

Станция состоит из двух независимых залов, соединённых двумя переходами (the station by itself consists of two identical halls connected by two passages), one hall having white marble pylons and brown track walls and the other, the opposite.



Each hall has a large enamelled panel by Zurab Tsereteli. The panel att the end of the north hall depicts Отечественная война 1812 года (the Patriotic War of 1812) against Napoleon, while at the end of the south hall it depicts Великая Отечественная война (the Great Patriotic War) of 1941-1945.



The metro station also has the particularity to be the only one in Moscow where boarding passengers and those who exit trains are in a different location.


The 165th metro station in Moscow…