
The Russian Soul and Idioms

You probably heard about “Русская душа” (the Russian soul), about that меланхолия (melancholy) that can be guessed deep into Russians’ souls, the mingling of their laughter […]

How to Say “It’s Cool!” in Russian

If you’ve been in Russia, you probably heard young people using the word “круто!”. Let’s see how we use this expression: Если встретишь Ивана, не узнаешь: […]

When Words Take a Different Meaning in Slang

Today, I would like to show you some verbs whose direct meaning and value have been changed to a completely different meaning concerning dishonest actions related […]

When Written and Oral Speech Meet

Nowadays people spend a long time on internet, searching for information, reading articles and books, watching various programmes… And of course, exchanging ideas. And communicating in […]

Russian Idioms and Money

Гоняться за длинным рублём “Гоняться за длинным рублём” (Chasing the big money). Tак мы говорят о людях, которые хотят получить много денег, но без особого труда […]

The Last One for the Road: Cтременная

On a precedent post, I told you that when invited by Russian, you might be offered a last drink for the road. Nowadays, we usually have […]

The Last One for the Road: На Посошок!

When invited by Russians, you might hear your host offering you a drink “На посошок!” (the last one for the road!). You will more rarely hear […]

Russian Idioms: Морочить голову

Морочить голову (to pull somebody’s leg). Морочить means to fool. So when you “Морочишь голову кому-либо” you just try to cheat or to joke on somebody […]

Russian Chanson

Today, I would like to introduce you to a musical genre, typically Russian, which is called criminal songs. It is a musical genre that celebrates the […]

Russian Idioms and Lime Tree

This is a well known fact that birch tree is considered as a symbol in Russia but, oddly enough, it is not the one that is […]