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Russian Flag Day

22 августа Россия отмечает один из своих национальных праздников - День государственного флага. (August 22, Russia celebrates one of its National holidays: the Flag Day.) It was officially established in 1994 to celebrate the victory over putschists in 1991. Though it is a national holiday, it is not a day-off.

Государственный флаг Российской Федерации состоит из трёх равновеликих горизонтальных полос: верхней - белого, средней - синего и нижней - красного цвета. (The national flag of the Russian Federation has three equal horizontal stripes: white on top, blue in the middle and red on the bottom.)

The white, blue and red flag was first used as an ensign на первом русском военном корабле “Орёл” (on board of the first Russian warship “Eagle”) in 1667 during the reign of Alexis of Russia (1629-1676).

При Петре I триколор играет роль государственного флага и поднимается уже на всех кораблях российского флота. (Under Peter the Great, the three colours played the role of national flag and could be seen on the entire Russian fleet.)

Но в 1806 году появилась новая традиция. (But in 1806 a new tradition appeared.) A Russian expedition explored the southern part of the Sakhalin and raised two flags on the shores: Андреевский флаг отмечал заслугу военного флота (the St. Andrew's flag representing the merit of the navy) and государственный бело-сине-красный флаг — новое владение России. (the national blue-white-red flag representing the new ownership of Russia.)

Following the October Revolution and the victory of the Bolsheviks, the three colours flag was discarded and a new red flag with communist symbols was introduced and remained until the collapse of the Soviet Union.

One flag, several interpretations

There are many theories about the origin of the three colours. One popular theory suggests that the order in which the colours were placed reflected the Russian social system while under the monarchy: white represents God, blue represents the Tsar and red represents the people.

According to another version, it originated from the coat of arms of the Grand Duchy of Moscow, St. Georges all dressed in his silver armour and mounted a white horse, with a blue cape hanging on his shoulders and holding a blue shield is riding on a red field.

Some says that these three colours are associated with the robes of the Virgin Mary, the holy protectress of Russia.

Another interpretation associates white with the bright future, blue with clouded present and red with bloody past.

По другой версии, белый цвет означал благородство, синий - честность, а красный - смелость и великодушие, присущее русским людям. (It is also said that white represents the nobility, blue the honesty and red the courage and generosity inherent to Russian people.)

August 22, Russia celebrates one…