
Ivanovo, the Textile capital of Russia

Although Иваново (Ivanovo) is not as prestigious as other cities of Золотое кольцо (the Golden Ring), it is still worth a stop. Ivanovo is шутливо называют […]

Yaroslavl, the City of Unsurpassed Beauty

Город Ярославль (the city of Yaroslavl) was named after its founder, великого князя Ярослава Мудрого (the Grand Prince Yaroslav the Wise). It was founded in the […]

Rostov Veliky, the Prettiest City of the Golden Ring

Just before entering the city of Ростов Великий (Rostov the Great) (190 km northeast of Moscow) the beauty of озеро Неро (lake Nero) welcomes amazed travellers, […]