
Language Changes and Norms

Facts appearing in the living speech to acquire the status of norms, should necessarily answer to intra-linguistic laws, not in contradiction with the basic tendencies of […]

Declension of the Numerals

A. V. Ivanov, historian of Russian language wrote: “Особенностью древнерусского языка по сравнению с современным было отсутствие числительных как особой части речи, которая есть в современном […]

The short i, vowel or consonant (part 2)

In the first part of this article we explained you that in Russian alphabet, the letter Й (short i) is a strange letter. You can learn more […]

The short i, vowel or consonant (part 1)

Every Russian has studied Russian alphabet at school (in its national version) and wonders: what is complicated and incomprehensible in it? Alphabet, the visit card of […]