
The Blue Wagon

Cheburashka and crocodile Gena are two heroes from one of the most famous and cutest Russian animations. On their way back from one of their adventures, […]

Alexandra or Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears

“Александра” (Alexandra) is the theme song from 1980 Soviet film “Москва слезам не верит” (Moscow doesn’t believe in tears). It was written by Serguey Nikitin, Russian […]

Victory Day – The Song

Девятое мая – День Победы! А для всех русских людей это особый день. Это день, когда закончилась Великая Отечественная война (May, 9 is Victory Day! And […]

Learn Russian with Songs: Это Всё – ДДТ

ДДТ (DDT) is one of the most famous and successful rock band in Russia founded by Юрий Шевчук (Yuri Shevchuk) in 1980. The song “Это всё” […]

Мне нравится, что вы больны не мной

This song “Мне нравится, что вы больны не мной” (I like it that you’re not obsessed with me) in the theme song of Soviet comedy “Ирония […]

Learn Russian with Song: “Когда твоя девушка больна”

Кино (kino) was no doubt one of the most popular rock bands from the 1980s, and became a real legendary band after the accidental death of […]

Russian Chanson

Today, I would like to introduce you to a musical genre, typically Russian, which is called criminal songs. It is a musical genre that celebrates the […]

Garik Sukachev, A Life Dedicated to Russian Rock

Garik Sukachev is leader of the bands Brigade Cand then the Untouchables and author of many solo projects, film director and writer.

Vysotsky’s “Song About a Friend”

Vladimir Vysotsky, 1938-1980…

Okydzhava: Song of the Arbat

Песенка об Арбате (Song about the Arbat) was written in 1959…