
The History and Traditions of Easter in Russia

For foreigners visiting Russia (and especially Moscow), it soon becomes obvious that доминирующая религиозная конфессия (the dominant religion) of our country is православное христианство (Orthodox Christianity). […]

A Russian Birthday

In Russia the traditional and widely spread “Happy birthday to you” is not so common. We have our own song which every children learn at an […]

Victory Day – The Song

Девятое мая – День Победы! А для всех русских людей это особый день. Это день, когда закончилась Великая Отечественная война (May, 9 is Victory Day! And […]

Tusovka the Art of Getting Together in Russia

Curiously, there is no word in other languages that could be considered the equivalent of what new Russians call “тусовка” (to get together). The etymology of […]

The Last One for the Road: Cтременная

On a precedent post, I told you that when invited by Russian, you might be offered a last drink for the road. Nowadays, we usually have […]

The Last One for the Road: На Посошок!

When invited by Russians, you might hear your host offering you a drink “На посошок!” (the last one for the road!). You will more rarely hear […]

Russian Idioms: Морочить голову

Морочить голову (to pull somebody’s leg). Морочить means to fool. So when you “Морочишь голову кому-либо” you just try to cheat or to joke on somebody […]

Russian Idioms and Lime Tree

This is a well known fact that birch tree is considered as a symbol in Russia but, oddly enough, it is not the one that is […]

Сырники – Delicious Russian Cheese Pancakes

Сырники is a Russian and Ukrainian fried quark pancake served with sour cream, jam, honey or apple sauce.

Russian Idioms: Где Раки Зимуют

Have you ever tried crayfish? Connoisseurs say that they are especially tasty during the months in which a R is used, which means from September to […]