“Winter Evening” – A. Pushkin
The Pushkin Fine Arts Museum of Moscow

Your Honour, Lady Luck

The song “Ваше Благородие, Госпожа Удача” (Your Honour, Lady Luck) has been written by Bulat Okydzhava in 1967, and is the main theme song in the film “Белое Солнце Пустыни” (The White Sun of the Desert), one of the most popular Soviet films.

In the film, the song is sang by Vereschagin and talks about loneliness, hope, luck and love.

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Ваше благородие, госпожа разлука,
Your Honour, Lady Separation,
Мы с тобой родня давно, вот какая штука,
We have been close for a long time,
that's the kind of thing,
Письмецо в конверте погоди не рви.
A letter in an envelope, wait, don't
tear it.
Не везёт мне в смерти, повезёт в любви.
I have no luck in dying, I'll be lucky
in love.
Ваше благородие, госпожа чужбина.
Your Honour, Lady Foreign Land.
Жарко обнимала ты, да только не любила.
You embraced me so warmly, but you don't
love me.
В ласковые сети, постой, не лови.
Wait don't call me in your sweet nets.
Не везёт мне в смерти, повезёт в любви.
I have no luck in dying, I'll be lucky
in love.
Ваше благородие, госпожа удача.
Your Honour, Lady Luck.
Для кого ты добрая, а кому иначе.
For some you are so good, for others not.
Девять граммов в сердце, постой, не зови.
Wait, don't call for 9 grams in the heart.
Не везёт мне в смерти, повезёт в любви.
I have no luck in dying, I'll be lucky
in love.
Ваше благородие, госпожа победа.
Your Honour, Lady Victory.
Значит моя песенка до конца не спета.
That means I didn't finish my song.
Перестаньте черти клясться на крови!
Stop you devils swearing on blood!
Не везёт мне в смерти, повезёт в любви.
I have no luck in dying, Ill be lucky
in love.