Tarkovsky’s Diploma Film “The Steamroller and the Violin”
Russian Chanson

April, April! Poem about Spring

The following poem is a poem for children written by Samuil Marshak to celebrate the arrival of April and the end of winter.

Самуил Яковлевич Маршак (Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak, 1887-1964) was a Russian children's poet and translator who was born in the city of Voronezh. He lived there until 1902 then moved with his family to St. Petersburg where in was introduced to Maxim Gorky and Feodor Chaliapin.

M. Gorky considered Marshak "the founder of Russia's children's literature."

From 1912 to 1914 he lived and studied philosophy at the University of London in England. He published his translation of poetry of W. Blake, R. Burns and W. Wordsworth in Russian, which are now considered classics.

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In 1914, after the death of his daughter he began to write children's literature. He moved to Krasnodar and organized with other enthusiasts Children town including a theatre and a library.

Апрель! Апрель!
April! April!
На дворе звенит капель.
In the yard, the drops are ringing.
По полям бегут ручьи,
Streams of water are running on the soil,
На дорогах лужи.
Puddles on the roads.
Скоро выйдут муравьи
Soon the ants will come
После зимней стужи.
After the cold of the winter.
Пробирается медведь
A bear sneaks
Сквозь густой валежник.
Through the thick brushwood.
Стали птицы песни петь
Birds began to sing
И расцвел подснежник.
And the snowdrop are blooming.
The following poem is a poem for children written by Samuil Marshak to celebrate the arrival of April and the end of winter