
Army Training under Peter the Great

Russians soon understood что с необученным войском против шведа не повоюешь (that with an untrained army against the Swedes, they would had no chances to win). […]

How to Translate For in Russian

“For” can be expressed in different ways in Russian according to the meaning of sentence. And of course, it means the need to use different cases […]

Russian Idioms: Дело в Шляпе

Дело в шляпе (concern is in the hat or has we say in English the trick is done). This is what you can say or hear […]

Prepositions “в” and “на” with the Prepositional Case

Today I would like to bring your attention on two Russian prepositions that can be confusing for foreigners, the prepositions на and в

Time Expression in Russian

One tricky thing for foreigners is the translation of “for”…

Advertising and Grammar

Advertising might help you remembering some grammar points…

Нечего – Ничего

Если тебе нечего сказать, ничего не говори! (If you have nothing to say, don’t say anything!) You can see in this sentence that we are using […]

Russian Toponyms

В перестроечные годы в один день слово “Таллин” стало на одну букву длиннее – “Таллинн”. (During the years of the Perestroika, the word “Tallin” gained one […]

Animate/Inanimate Nouns and Accusative

Following our last article about animate/inanimate nouns in Russian, I wanted to add few things on this subject. Accusative form can have two endings, depending if […]

Animate/Inanimate Nouns with the Accusative Case

The accusative case is particular in the sense that masculine nouns have two possible endings depending if they are одушевлённые (animate) or неодушевлённые (inanimate). If they […]