
Idioms from Griboyedov’s comedy “The Woes of Wit”

The action of A.S. Griboyedov’s comedy “Горе от ума”…

Russian Words Evolution

Are the words “победа” (victory)…

Russian Idiom: “Родился в Cорочке”

Born with a silver spoon in the mouth or…

Russian Jokes

During the Soviet times, there was a very popular joke…

Russian Idioms: Seven Fridays in the Week

Means that a person is unstable in its opinion,or…

Нечего – Ничего

Если тебе нечего сказать, ничего не говори! (If you have nothing to say, don’t say anything!) You can see in this sentence that we are using […]

Russian Toponyms

В перестроечные годы в один день слово “Таллин” стало на одну букву длиннее – “Таллинн”. (During the years of the Perestroika, the word “Tallin” gained one […]

Animate/Inanimate Nouns and Accusative

Following our last article about animate/inanimate nouns in Russian, I wanted to add few things on this subject. Accusative form can have two endings, depending if […]

Animate/Inanimate Nouns with the Accusative Case

The accusative case is particular in the sense that masculine nouns have two possible endings depending if they are одушевлённые (animate) or неодушевлённые (inanimate). If they […]

Russian Words Invented by Writers

The apparition of new words in the literary language is often related with the changes of epochs in the development of the culture of a country, […]