
Erik Bulatov, Russian Sots-art Artist

Эрик Булатов (Erik Bulatov) русский классик соц-арта (is a classic Russian sots-art artist). He was born in Sverdlovsk in 1933 and now he lives and works […]

Russian Words Invented by Writers

The apparition of new words in the literary language is often related with the changes of epochs in the development of the culture of a country, […]

Two Capitals, Two Languages

Moscow and St. Petersburg это две стороны одной медали, два города, олицетворяющих Россию (are like two sides on a coin, two cities, symbolizing Russia). Moscow is […]

The Boyars’Beards

Two boyars of the name of Buynosov and Kurnosov lived in Moscow. Their names have been famous for several generations already, their houses were beautiful and […]

Education and Culture under Peter the Great

Education under Peter the Great Peter the Great основал Высшую морскую школу (founded the Naval Cadet Corps.), which later стала Морской академией (became the Naval Academy) […]

Arseny Morozov Mansion

Особняк Арсения Морозова – уникальный образец неомавританского стиля. (the Arseny Morozov Mansion is a unique work of architecture of moorish revival style). This amazing building is […]

Zurab Tsereteli’s Work of Art

Зураб Константинович Церетели (Zurab Konstantinovich Tsereteli) Georgian-Russian painter, sculptor and architect, was born in Tbilisi, Georgia in 1934. He is now President of the Russian Academy […]

Krylov’s fables

Иван Андреевич Крылов (Ivan Andreevich Krylov, 1769-1844), the most famous Russian fabulist, keeping a fatherly eye on the twelve metal relief sculptures representing a small part […]

Garri Bardin, Grey Wolf and Little Red Riding Hood

Its author, Garri Bardin was born in 1941 in Orenbourg. He studied acting at the School-Studio of Mkhat before joining the cast of the Drama Theatre […]

Million Scarlet Roses

Алла Пугачёва (Alla Pugacheva) is one of the most beloved singer in Russia. She started her carrier in the 1970s and put an end to it […]